Friday 30 October 2020

Aerides crispa Lindl.

Aerides crispa Lindl.

AIR-i-deez -- Greek: aer (air, wind); refers to the plant's epiphytic habit ... Dave's Botanary
KRISP-uh -- with curled or wavy margins ... Dave's Botanary

commonly known as: curled aerides • Marathi: पान शिंग pan shing, रुक शिंग ruk shing

botanical names: Aerides crispa Lindl. ... synonyms: Aerides brookii Bateman • Aerides lindleyana Wight • Aerides warneri Hook.f. ... more at GBIF
Bibliography / etymology
~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
curled aerides
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
पान शिंग pan shing
रुक शिंग ruk shing
~~~~~ x ~~~~~

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