Monday 25 October 2021

Barleria lawii T.Anderson

Barleria lawii T.Anderson

bar-LEER-ee-uh -- name commemorates French botanist, Jacques Barrelier ... Dave's Botanary
LAW-ee-eye -- named in honor of John Sutherland Law (1810–85), Indian Civil Servant and amateur botanist ... Wikipedia

commonly known as: Law's barleria • Gujarati: કાંટા શેળિયો kanta sheliyo • Marathi: ईखरू ikharu, पांढरी कोरांटी pandhari koranti

botanical names: Barleria lawii T.Anderson ... synonyms: Barleria beddomei T.Anderson ex Bedd. ... POWO
Bibliography / etymology
~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
Law's barleria
  • Flowers of India ... the commemorative epithet lawii honours John Sutherland Law (1810–85), Indian Civil Servant and amateur botanist ... Wikipedia
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~
કાંટા શેળિયો kanta sheliyo
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
ईखरू ikharu
पांढरी कोरांटी pandhari koranti
  • Flowers of Sahyadri, a field guide to flowers of north Western Ghats of India by Shrikant Ingalhalikar
~~~~~ x ~~~~~

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Salacia chinensis L.

¿ sal-AH-si-ah ? -- genus perhaps named for Salacia , Neptune's wife, goddess of sea in Roman mythology ... Wikipedia chi-NEN-sis ...