Wednesday 23 February 2022

Cirsium wallichii DC.

Cirsium wallichii DC.

SIR-see-um -- Greek kirsion (kind of thistle) ... Dave's Botanary
wall-IK-ee-eye -- named for Dr. Nathaniel Wallich, Danish plant hunter, botanist and physician ... Dave's Botanary

commonly known as: Wallich's thistle • Dogri: भुस्स bhuss, बगूल bagul • Hindi: बूंगसी bungsee • Nepali: ढाडे काँडा dhaade kaandaa, सुङ्गुरे काँडा sunggure kaandaa, थकाल thakaal • Rajasthani: ब्रह्मदण्डी brahmadandi

botanical names: Cirsium wallichii DC. ... synonyms: Cirsium macracanthum Sch.Bip. • Cirsium nepalense DC. • Cnicus wallichii (DC.) C.B.Clarke ... and more at POWO
Bibliography / etymology
~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
Wallich's thistle
  • Flowers of India
  • this species named for Dr. Nathaniel Wallich, early 19th century Danish plant hunter, botanist and physician, who worked in India ... read more about him at Wikipedia
~~~~~ DOGRI ~~~~~
भुस्स bhuss, बगूल bagul
  • Many thanks to OM Prakash Vidyarthi for help with these names ... facebook
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~
बूंगसी bungsee
~~~~~ NEPALI ~~~~~
ढाडे काँडा dhaade kaandaa, सुङ्गुरे काँडा sunggure kaandaa, थकाल thakaal
  • Many thanks to Saroj Kumar Kasaju for help with these name ... efloraofindia
~~~~~ RAJASTHANI ~~~~~
ब्रह्मदण्डी brahmadandi
~~~~~ x ~~~~~

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Salacia chinensis L.

¿ sal-AH-si-ah ? -- genus perhaps named for Salacia , Neptune's wife, goddess of sea in Roman mythology ... Wikipedia chi-NEN-sis ...