Wednesday 14 September 2022

Elatostema lineolatum Wight

Elatostema lineolatum Wight

ee-lay-toh-STEM-uh -- Greek: elatos (driving or striking), and stema (stamen) ... Dave's Botanary
lin-ee-oh-LAY-tum -- lined ... Dave's Botanary

commonly known as: lined elatostema • Angami: gazo, jotho • Karbi: himbu • Manipuri: ꯆꯤꯡ ꯁꯧꯒꯔꯤ ching sougri • Monpa: dambe-hru • Tangkhul: hantekhan

botanical names:
  • Elatostema lineolatum Wight ... accepted infraspecifics: Elatostema lineolatum var. lineolatum ... and a few more listed at POWO
  • Elatostema lineolatum var. lineolatum ... heterotypic synonyms: Elatostema lineolatum var. majus Wedd. • Elatostema tumidulum Koidz. ... POWO
Bibliography / etymology
~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
lined elatostema
  • name given for want of name ... name derived from the descriptive epithet lineolatum meaning lined ... Dave's Botanary
~~~~~ ANGAMI (also: Gnamei, Ngami, Tsoghami, Tsugumi, Monr, Tsanglo, Tenyidie) ~~~~~
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
~~~~~ KARBI ~~~~~
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
no given name / no name found
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
no given name / no name found
~~~~~ MANIPURI ~~~~~
ꯆꯤꯡ ꯁꯧꯒꯔꯤ ching sougri
  • Upadhyay, A. K., Gogoi, R., & Mitra, P. K. (2021). Ethnobotany of the genus Elatostema J.R. Forster & G. Forster. Ethnobotany Research and Applications, 21, 1–24.
  • Many thanks to Dr Tabish Qureshi for help with this name ... efloraofindia
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
no given name / no name found
~~~~~ MONPA people (a major tribe of Arunachal Pradesh) ~~~~~
~~~~~ NEPALI ~~~~~
no given name / no name found
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
no given name / no name found
~~~~~ TANGKHUL ~~~~~
  • name borrowed for want of name; this name is for some Elatostema sp. ... Upadhyay, A. K., Gogoi, R., & Mitra, P. K. (2021). Ethnobotany of the genus Elatostema J.R. Forster & G. Forster. Ethnobotany Research and Applications, 21, 1–24.
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
no given name / no name found
~~~~~ x ~~~~~

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