Thursday 11 May 2023

Ixora nigricans R.Br. ex Wight & Arn.

Ixora nigricans R.Br. ex Wight & Arn.

iks-OR-uh -- named after Iswara Malabar deity ... Dave's Botanary
ny-grih-kans -- black ... Dave's Botanary

commonly known as: black ixora, cuspidate leaved jungle geranium • Kannada: ಅಡಯಾಲ adayaala, ಕೇಪಲ kaepala, ಕಿಸುಕಾರೆ kisukaare • Konkani: काटकुडा katkuda • Malayalam: ചെറുകുറവ് cherukuravu • Marathi: काटकुडा katkuda • Tamil: மசக்கண்ணி masakanni, ஊதாப்பூ utappu

botanical names: Ixora nigricans R.Br. ex Wight & Arn. ... homotypic synonyms: Pavetta nigricans (R.Br. ex Wight & Arn.) Miq. ... heterotypic synonyms: Ixora arguta (Hook.f.) King & Gamble • Ixora memecylifolia Kurz ... and more at POWO
Bibliography / etymology
~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
black ixora
cuspidate leaved jungle geranium
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
ಅಡಯಾಲ adayaala
  • Alar - an authoritative Kannada-English dictionary corpus created by V. Krishna ... or ಆಡಯಾಲ adayala
  • Mandayam Digital Library - Latin and Kannada names of indigenous and medicinal plants of Mysore by S G Narsimhachar
ಕೇಪಲ kaepala
  • Alar - an authoritative Kannada-English dictionary corpus created by V. Krishna
  • Mandayam Digital Library - Latin and Kannada names of indigenous and medicinal plants of Mysore by S G Narsimhachar
ಕಿಸುಕಾರೆ kisukare
  • Alar - an authoritative Kannada-English dictionary corpus created by V. Krishna ... or ಕಿಸುಗಾರೆ kisugaare
  • or ಕಿಸುಗಾರೆ kisugaare ... Mandayam Digital Library - Latin and Kannada names of indigenous and medicinal plants of Mysore by S G Narsimhachar
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
काटकुडा katkuda
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
ചെറുകുറവ് cherukuravu
  • വിക്കിപീഡിയ - സ്വതന്ത്രസർവ്വവിജ്ഞാനകോശം
  • BIOTIK (Biodiversity Informatics and co-operation in Taxonomy for Interactive shared Knowledge base)
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
काटकुडा katkuda
~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~
no given name / no name found
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
மசக்கண்ணி masakanni
ஊதாப்பூ utappu
~~~~~ x ~~~~~
Rubiaceae tropical "large shrub" "small tree" "Ixora nigricans" "Ixora arguta" "Ixora memecylifolia" "black ixora" "cuspidate-leaved jungle geranium"

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Salacia chinensis L.

¿ sal-AH-si-ah ? -- genus perhaps named for Salacia , Neptune's wife, goddess of sea in Roman mythology ... Wikipedia chi-NEN-sis ...