Sunday 24 October 2021

Barleria cuspidata F.Heyne ex Nees

bar-LEER-ee-uh -- name commemorates French botanist, Jacques Barrelier ... Dave's Botanary
kus-pi-DAY-tuh -- sharp-pointed ... Dave's Botanary

commonly known as: lesser yellow nail dye, spiny barleria • Gujarati: પીળો કાટાસેરિયો pilo kataseriyo • Marathi: काटे कोरांटी kate koranti, पिवळी कोरांटी pivali koranti, सुवर्ण कोरांटी suvarna koranti • Tamil: மஞ்சட்செம்முள்ளி mancat-cemmulli, வெள்ளைமுள்ளி vellai-mulli • Telugu: బొబ్బి bobbi

botanical names: Barleria cuspidata F.Heyne ex Nees ... synonyms: no synonyms known ... POWO
Bibliography / etymology
~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
lesser yellow nail dye
spiny barleria
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~
પીળો કાટાસેરિયો pilo kataseriyo
  • Many thanks to Ashok Korat for help with this name ... facebook
  • word variant: કાંટાસળિયો kantasaliyo ... Gujarati Lexicon
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
काटे कोरांटी kate koranti
  • Flowers of Sahyadri, a field guide to flowers of north Western Ghats of India by Shrikant Ingalhalikar
  • Revision of the Genus Barleria (Acanthaceae) in India
  • कोरांटी koranti is a generic name for many of Barleria species. It has many variants: कोरंटी koranti, कोरांटी koraanti, कोऱ्हांटी korhanti OR कोरंटा koranta, कोरांटा koraanta, कोऱ्हांटा korhanta ... A dictionary, Marathi and English by Molesworth, J. T. (James Thomas)
पिवळी कोरांटी pivali koranti
  • Floristic Survey of Institute of Science - website closed
    पिवळी pivali = yellow colour(ed); कोरांटी koranti = generic name for many of Barleria species and some of Amaranth
    ... this name thus refers to yellow flowered plants of these genera
सुवर्ण कोरांटी suvarna koranti
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
மஞ்சட்செம்முள்ளி mancat-cemmulli, வெள்ளைமுள்ளி vellai-mulli
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
బొబ్బి bobbi
~~~~~ x ~~~~~

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so-LAN-num -- solace, quietude; referring to the narcotic properties of some species ... Dave's Botanary mel-ON-gen-uh -- corrupt...