Wednesday 9 August 2023

Ligustrum robustum subsp. perrottetii (A.DC.) de Juana

Ligustrum robustum subsp. perrottetii (A.DC.) de Juana

lig-GUS-trum -- an old name for privet ... Dave's Botanary
roh-BUS-tum -- robust ... Dave's Botanary
¿ per-ROT-tay-tee-eye ? -- named for George Samuel Perrottet, Swiss-born French botanist and horticulturist ... IPNI

commonly known as: Nilgiri privet • Kannada: ಕೂಲಿ ಮರ koli mara • Konkani: कुंगीण kungin • Malayalam: പിങ്കൻ pinkan, പുന്നു punnu • Marathi: कुंगीण kungin, लोखंडी lokhandi, मेडसिंग medsing • Tamil: சிற்றழிஞ்சில் cirralincil, கோலி koli, புன்கு punku

botanical names: Ligustrum robustum subsp. perrottetii (A.DC.) de Juana ... homotypic synonyms: Ligustrum perrottetii A.DC. ... heterotypic synonyms: Ligustrum candolleanum Blume • Ligustrum neilgherrense Wight • Ligustrum obovatum Decne. ... POWO
Bibliography / etymology
Links listed as references in the notes below, may not remain valid permanently. Portals / websites have a tendency to re-organize / revise their content, leading to change in URLs of pages in their site. Some sites may even close down at their own will.
~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
Nilgiri privet
  • Flowers of India
  • or Nilgherry privet ... Nilgiri spelled as Nilgherry during colonial period in India
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
ಕೂಲಿ ಮರ koli mara
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
कुंगीण kungin
  • name borrowed, for want of name; कुंगीण kungin - Marathi name for this species, and Konkani name for Ligustrum microphyllum Bedd.
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
പിങ്കൻ pinkan, പുന്നു punnu
  • for Ligustrum perrottetii A.DC. ... വിക്കിപീഡിയ - സ്വതന്ത്രസർവ്വവിജ്ഞാനകോശം
  • for Ligustrum perrottetii A.DC. ... BIOTIK (Biodiversity Informatics and co-operation in Taxonomy for Interactive shared Knowledge base)
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
कुंगीण kungin, मेडसिंग medsing
लोखंडी lokhandi
  • for Ligustrum perrottetii A.DC. ... The Useful Plants of India by NISCAIR
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
சிற்றழிஞ்சில் cirralincil
  • for Ligustrum neilgherrense Wight ... Tamil lexicon [Madras], University of Madras
கோலி koli
புன்கு punku
  • for Ligustrum perrottetii A.DC. ... Tamil lexicon [Madras], University of Madras
Goa, Karnataka, Kerala, Lakshadweep Islands, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu; endemic
~~~~~ x ~~~~~
Oleaceae endemic evergreen tree "Ligustrum robustum subsp perrottetii" "Ligustrum robustum ssp perrottetii" "Ligustrum perrottetii" "Ligustrum candolleanum" "Ligustrum neilgherrense" "Ligustrum obovatum" "Nilgherry privet" "Nilgiri privet"

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Salacia chinensis L.

¿ sal-AH-si-ah ? -- genus perhaps named for Salacia , Neptune's wife, goddess of sea in Roman mythology ... Wikipedia chi-NEN-sis ...